Independent Contractors Policy
It is the policy of Unity Web Agency to engage individuals who are not full tenure team members, including independent contractors and interns, in a fair manner that reflects Unity Web Agency’s social and environmental values.
This policy sets out the conditions of contractor agreements that align with socially and environmentally responsible business practices such as those followed by Certified B Corps.
All independent contractors upon execution of their service agreements will be:
- Paid a living wage (when calculated as hourly wage when living wage data is available)
- Given the opportunity to split their time with work for other clients
- Provided with a formal opportunity to communicate and receive feedback on their experience post-project/contract. This communication will take place either verbally, via email, or through a formal survey.
- Encouraged to follow the Unity’s virtual office policy
- Encouraged to support the Unity’s social and environmental practices
Subject to agreement, the independent contractor may also become eligible for part-time and full-time positions as they become available.
This Policy is adopted so that Unity Web Agency may:
- Operate as a socially and environmentally responsible business with consideration of all of its impacts on stakeholders.
This policy shall apply to all contract workers including ones verified to either work on a time-bound basis, or else split their time with work for other clients. It does not include full-time or part-time team members.
The Human Resources Department and/or the contractor’s supervisor will be responsible for ensuring that the policy will be followed.
Unity Web Agency will distribute this policy to all contract workers upon hiring. In cases where the policy is adopted after a contract worker has been hired, the policy will be shared with the contractor within 30 days of adoption.
Program Evaluation
This policy will be reviewed by the Human Resources Department once a year. Any changes must be approved by the manager. When the policy is adapted the changes must be shared with active team members & contractors within 30 days of adoption.