QCs / Performance Reviews
It is the policy of Unity Web Agency to provide performance evaluations of personnel to assist in professional development and achievement of the company’s goals. We call these performance reviews QCs, short for Quarterly Conversations.
Unity Web Agency will:
- Provide quarterly performance evaluations for every full- or part-time team member to maintain or improve job satisfaction and morale. Team members may request evaluation more frequently.
- Use a 360-degree review process. This enables all team members, including the owner, to provide and receive feedback about their work performance.
- Maintain or improve each team member's job satisfaction and morale by letting them know that the supervisor is interested in their job progress and personal development
- Provide written guidance for career development, including identifying further formal or informal training opportunities
- Establish clear and identifiable goals for the team member to work towards
- Offer open communication between supervisors and team member(s)
If a team member’s job performance is unsatisfactory and is not corrected by coaching, counseling, and training to boost performance to an acceptable level, corrective action may be necessary.
This questionnaire leads team members through preparing for their upcoming QC. In their QC meeting, they will have a chance to review any specific items, as well as address any concerns they may have: QC Prep Questionnaire
This policy is adopted so that Unity Web Agency may:
- Operate as a socially and environmentally responsible business with consideration of all of its impacts upon stakeholders.
- Support all team members in developing their skills.
- Evaluate and reward team members based on their performance.
- Assemble data for use as a measure for purposes such as wage adjustments, promotions, disciplinary action and termination.
This policy sets out team member review practices that align with socially and environmentally responsible business practices such as those followed by Certified B Corps.
This policy shall apply to all full-time and part-time team members.
The CEO will be responsible for providing this policy to all team members and for providing ongoing support as needed.
All team members and contractors will be responsible for following this policy and contacting the CEO with any questions or concerns.
Unity Web Agency will distribute this policy to all team members upon hiring. In cases where the policy is adopted after a team member has been hired, the policy will be shared with the team member within 30 days of adoption.
Program Evaluation
Unity Web Agency will check in with team member(s) on a regular basis, at least annually as part of a review process, to ensure that this policy is being followed and that team members are taking advantage of professional development opportunities.
It is incumbent upon each team member, regardless of level or category, to perform in an exemplary manner reflecting their job description, operating procedures, laws and regulations, and principles of Unity Web Agency.