Vendors & Suppliers Policy

It is the policy of Unity Web Agency to choose vendors and suppliers that:

  • Have values that align with the company’s
  • Engage in positive social and environmental practices and that do not engage in negative practices, whenever possible
  • Are in compliance with all local laws and regulations and with international human rights and labor standards
  • Practice good governance and have policies related to ethics and corruption
  • Pay a living wage to their team members and contractors
  • Have a third-party certification, such as B Corps
  • Are locally-owned
  • Are owned by women or minorities

Positive social and environmental practices include but are not limited to:

  • Having a mission that promotes social and environmental responsibility and equity
  • Creating products or services that conserve resources and minimize waste and pollution
  • Giving back to the community, either through financial donations or volunteer service
  • Assessing and minimizing impact of their business on biodiversity, such as by habitat change, pollution, climate change, invasive species threat, and over-exploitation, and their long term consequences
  • Having good water management practices (e.g.monitoring of water use, set water use reduction targets, ingredient and material selection based on water use)
  • Having a responsible waste management system in place (e.g. solid waste reduction targets, responsible hazardous waste disposal, maximized recycling systems)

Negative social and environmental practices include but are not limited to:

  • Using child or slave labor
  • Testing products on animals
  • Doing harm to the environment


This policy is adopted so that Unity Web Agency may:

  • Operate as a socially and environmentally responsible business with consideration of all of its impacts upon stakeholders.


This policy shall apply to all suppliers, including independent contractors.


Unity Web Agency will be responsible for providing this policy to all team members who choose or hire suppliers.

All team members and contractors will be responsible for following this policy and contacting the Unity Web Agency with any questions or concerns.


Unity Web Agency will apply this policy to the screening and selection of potential suppliers effective immediately and distribute this policy to all team members who choose or hire suppliers.

The team members will be responsible for ensuring that all of the recommended practices will be followed.

Program Evaluation

Unity Web Agency will continually evaluate suppliers by checking periodically, on at least an annual basis, to ensure that the vendors and suppliers continue to meet the standards that were set forth when contracts were initially established.