Code of Ethics

Unity Web Agency strives to always meet the highest ethical standards for all directors and team members. We set the standard for excellence at the top of the organization, demonstrating the importance of adhering to the Code of Ethics by communicating and modeling the behavior we want all team members to follow.

Unity Web Agency requires that all directors and team members comply with all laws, rules, and regulations applicable to the business. We provide training to ensure all team members understand the company policies, laws, and regulations that apply to their specific roles, and seek guidance from experts when unsure of whether a contemplated action is permitted by law. We promote open communication so all team members, directors, and board members feel comfortable speaking up if they see possible violations.

Unity Web Agency prohibits bribes in any form, including kickbacks or gifts, on any portion of contract payments or soft dollar practices. We ensure all team members who award contracts or who have influence in the allocation of resources understand the role they play in promoting impartiality and fair dealing, including refusal of any courtesies from suppliers when involved in selecting or reconfirming a supplier or under circumstances that would create an impression of favoritism.

Unity Web Agency requires that all direct or indirect political contributions, charitable donations, and sponsorships are overseen and approved prior to the activity mentioned.

Unity Web Agency will publicly disclose financial and in-kind contributions to political parties, politicians, lobby groups, charitable organizations, and advocacy groups.

If you become aware of the violation of any law, rule or regulation by the Company, whether by team members, directors, or any third party doing business on behalf of the Company, it is your responsibility to promptly report the matter to your supervisor.

Conflicts of Interest

Team members and directors must act in the best interests of Unity Web Agency. You must refrain from engaging in any activity or having a personal interest that presents a "conflict of interest." It is your responsibility to disclose any transaction or relationship that reasonably could be expected to give rise to a conflict of interest. A “conflict of interest” is defined as a situation in which a person is in a position to derive personal benefit from actions or decisions made in their official capacity.


Team members and directors must maintain the confidentiality of sensitive or private information entrusted to them. Unauthorized disclosure of any confidential information is prohibited. Additionally, team members should take appropriate precautions to ensure that confidential or sensitive business information, whether it is proprietary to the Company or another company, is not communicated within the Company except to team members who have a need to know such information to perform their responsibilities.

Confidential information includes proprietary technical and business information belonging to you, Unity Web Agency, or our clients, and any other information marked "Confidential." It does not include any information that is in the public domain, becomes publicly known through no fault of the receiving party, is properly received from a third party without an obligation of confidentiality, or is otherwise known by the receiving party before obtaining access to it under this policy.

Honest and Ethical Conduct

Team members and directors should deal honestly, ethically, and fairly with the Unity Web Agency's suppliers, customers, competitors, and team members. Statements regarding the Company's products and services must not be untrue, misleading, deceptive or fraudulent. You must not take unfair advantage of anyone through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts or any other unfair-dealing practice.

Accuracy of Books and Records and Public Reports

Team members and directors must honestly and accurately report all business transactions. You are responsible for the accuracy of your records and reports. Accurate information is essential to the Company's ability to meet legal and regulatory obligations.

Reporting and Compliance Procedures

Every team member, officer, and director has the responsibility to ask questions, seek guidance, report suspected violations, and express concerns regarding compliance with this Code. Any team member, officer or director who knows or believes that any other team member or representative of the Company has engaged or is engaging in Company-related conduct that violates applicable law or this Code should report such information to their supervisor. Such reports should be made without any fear of retaliation. The Company will not discipline, discriminate against or retaliate against any team member who reports such conduct, unless it is found that the report was made with knowledge that it was false, or who cooperates in any investigation or inquiry regarding such conduct.