Virtual Office Stewardship Policy

It is the policy of Unity Web Agency to:

  • Encourage all team members and contractors to follow best environmental practices in their home offices.
  • Promote energy conservation by maximizing the use of natural light, using energy-efficient lights such as LEDs, using Energy Star printers, and ensuring that all lights are turned off when not in use.
  • Promote water conservation by encouraging the use of low-flow toilets and water-conserving aerators.
  • Reduce waste by using recycled content paper, minimizing the use of paper as much as possible, using reusables instead of disposables whenever possible (such as for batteries), and recycling/composting all recyclables and food waste.
  • Ensure that all e-waste and hazardous materials are properly recycled and disposed of and not sent to the landfill.


This policy is adopted so that Unity Web Agency may:

  • Operate as a socially and environmentally responsible business with consideration of all of its impacts upon stakeholders.
  • Minimize its environmental footprint by conserving resources, minimizing pollution, and reducing waste.


This policy shall apply to all full-time team members, part-time team members, and contract workers who have a virtual office.


Unity Web Agency will be responsible for providing this policy to all team members and contractor workers and for providing ongoing support as needed.

All team members and contractors will be responsible for following this policy and contacting the Unity Web Agency with any questions or concerns.


Unity Web Agency will distribute this policy to all team members and contract workers upon hiring. In cases where the policy is adopted after a team member has been hired, the policy will be shared with the team member within 30 days of adoption.

The team members and contractors will be responsible for ensuring that all of the recommended practices will be followed.

Program Evaluation

Unity Web Agency will check in with all team members and contractors on a regular basis, at least annually as part of a review process, to ensure that this policy is being followed.